No Laughing Matter
by Raven G. Duran in

What is happening in the world currently is devastating in so many ways. And I believe there is far more pain just around the corner; however, if that is what it takes to get us back to some manner of sanity, so be it. Our world is not going to be transformed by any political party, but by a cosmic consciousness which is what the church should be representing- but aren't!'?

The comedian Lenny Bruce said, "Every day, more and more people are straying from the church and going back to God".

I know about 150 such people! And it's no laughing matter, but one that's cost dearly in so many ways. Friendships have been lost, relationships have been strained, and deeply ingrained BS (belief systems) are always under review: serious consideration. Who wants to follow something that's not true, just because our parents did, or because our friends currently do?

Not I!

Faith is based on us challenging OURSELVES about what we BELIEVE. Faith untested is no faith but BLIND IGNORANCE. Maybe you start with the question as to which baptism is the most valid (sprinkle or immersion?), but that's kindergarten questioning. The true test of faith begins when you ask things like:

Is the only path to salvation through Jesus?

Was Mary sinless, a virgin, and without a physical death as Catholics believe?

Is the Bible a library of sixty six books of literal interpretation or something greater?

Is God a staunchly conservative supporter of the status quo?

Why is there so much evil in the world?

How can we make sense of the Bible in light of modern-day knowledge and truth?

If God is LOVE and we were created in his image, what's wrong with this picture?

Many make FUN of such questions and any other that differ from their views. But, this is no laughing matter, but the essence of life itself.

May we too (as Lenny Bruce joked) go back to God-Spirit-Consciousness-Energy-Field and the true essence of our very ground of being. I AM! We ARE ONE! LOVE is the ANSWER. The prophet Nehemiah got it right, "The JOY (love) of the Field (Lord) is our strength".
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